Previous incidents
Jobs stuck on processing, unable to process, or returning phantom statuses.
Resolved Sep 29 at 08:26am PDT
We've pushed the fix for this, monitoring to make sure our systems are back online
1 previous update
Dashboard shows "No outputs found" for certain outputs
Resolved Sep 23 at 04:22pm PDT
This is resolved for all new jobs. Older broken jobs from the past few hours will unfortunately still be broken. We will reimburse all broken jobs during the next billing period.
1 previous update
Sieve public functions not scaling properly, jobs stuck on queued
Resolved Aug 27 at 02:21pm PDT
A fixed has been pushed, all models are fully operational now.
1 previous update
Jobs stuck on processing
Resolved Aug 22 at 11:32pm PDT
We have pushed a fix. This issue is resolved.
1 previous update
Spikes of "sieve internal errors"
Resolved Aug 20 at 12:00pm PDT
As of 12:00 PM, this issue is resolved. We will reimburse any affected compute during the time period for those hosting models.
1 previous update
Github is down! Affected model builds
Resolved Aug 14 at 05:21pm PDT
The issue has been resolved.
1 previous update